Some time ago, I was lured down a flowering path.
I willingly chose this path, even if others had paved the way.
Hauling loads of optimism, I led myself down to the bank.
Welcomed by the body of water, the physical presence seemed so attractive.
My happiness was clear in the reflection, though merely surface deep.
It is not a surprise that deep waters are chilled with danger.
The sunny reflections on the surface concealed the extent of the heartless temperatures at the bottom.
I was not afraid of the danger for I felt seasoned within various waters.
I fought against the signs to hesitate.
I took the leap, head first, as people stood by.
As beautiful as the surface appeared,
The bottom was immensely deep and uncommonly dark.
The water was colder than others could imagine.
The scent of the flower pedals remained up at the surface.
The flowering plants were methodically woven together to form a net
Like the Black Widow’s web, paralyzing it’s prey.
The net grew thick and barbed,
Intentionally inflicting further pain,
As the grip of desperation tightened.
The water was freezing from the bottom up.
The surface remained mostly calm to most people’s view.
The outward reflections fooled the eyes but not the hearts.
A few offered me a helping hand, of which I remain ever grateful.
But the truly blessed ones offered me their hearts, fueling my resurrection.
Lend your helping heart.
Sense the pain you cannot see.
Your helping hand is just a start.
Unconditional compassion is the destination.
Empathize. Caress. Love.
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