When we first learn to drive, we welcome the challenge. Our senses are tickled with the excitement of the faster means of movement along the road. Simply entering the driver’s world marks a new height reached on our ladder of individual progress.
The greatest advantage to learning a new way of travel are the associated benefits of freedom and independence. The notion of less restricted access ironically comes with more rules to obey. More freedom requires more responsibility.
The rules of the road are built around the hope for safety. Safety for you and me. Actually, safety for all. Everyone. That’s a lot of responsibility.
Carrying that load of responsibility, the focus to “Drive properly” may be redefined by the voice of fear as “Don’t cause an accident!”
As subtle as the difference may sound, the two thoughts are as different as “go” and “stop”. In the end, we all make mistakes. We can choose to dwell on them or allow them to be our mentor.
Learn from accidents. The only other choice is to ignore their lessons.
Be brave. Stay aware. Learn.
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