The good news is that we have choices of which paths to take. We can choose to stay on paths that are flat level. We can choose to stay on the straight (and narrow). Jeez, we can even choose to not move. Maybe even keep our eyes closed. And use sound deadening headphones.
Or we can choose to travel the world, through all its ups and downs, and live a full life.
The bad news is that hills do not exist without valleys. Experiencing the valley before (and after) the sky-high hilltop adventure is part of the deal. Accept it. It’s worth it. Take the full ride!
Advance. Feel. Live.
Jax says
I love your message. I, on the other hand, do like to experience the valleys AND the hills. However, there is a point on this “roller coaster ride” when I prefer to get off. Walk on level land. Stop and absorb my surroundings. It is during these times of silent and still observation that I fully appreciate my own personal life. Hills are wonderful, Valleys are inevitable, reflection is my teacher.
Patrick M Coyne says
Jax, it sounds like you are on a good path to experience it all.